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1 Flounder  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 4:32:45am

I can’t read the attachment, damn work blocking all the fun sites! If hope it aint them Mennonites, you can’t trust them shift Mennonites!

2 Bulworth  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 6:15:41am

This can’t be the Tea Party because the Tea Party is just Taxed Enough Already mad about OUTOFCONTROLSPENDING and the DEBTDEFICIT. //

3 Bulworth  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 6:17:10am

Rather disturbing that all these state constitutions that still officially require religious tests, even if they aren’t enforced.

4 Godisdeadandburied  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 6:33:11am

Well, this sounds like “small government” to me.

5 Dr. Matt  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 7:23:52am

The teatards need to stop flaunting their pocket constitutions and actually read the fucking thing.

6 Skip Intro  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 7:27:01am
Rep. Ford’s full-time job: the owner of two North Carolina Gospel music radio stations.

No conflict of interest there. In a sane state, he’d be facing a recall, at the least.

7 Skip Intro  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 7:28:20am

re: #5 Dr. Matt

The teatards need to stop flaunting their pocket constitutions and actually read the fucking thing.

Their constitution is just like their bible; it says whatever they want it to say. Why bother to read it? It will just confuse them.

8 Mattand  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 7:39:43am

Hey, gang: check the byline on the original article. This is from April. IIRC, the bill died fairly quickly. I think even most hardcore conservatives knew this would never fly.

Still, it speaks volumes about today’s conservatives that this sort of thing would even see the light of day.

9 HappyWarrior  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 8:11:00am

Yeah only concerned about fiscal issues huh Tea Party, keep on telling yourselves that.

10 Romantic Heretic  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 8:16:14am

That took longer than I thought it would.

11 Skip Intro  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 8:32:48am

re: #8 Mattand

Hey, gang: check the byline on the original article. This is from April. IIRC, the bill died fairly quickly. I think even most hardcore conservatives knew this would never fly.

Still, it speaks volumes about today’s conservatives that this sort of thing would even see the light of day.

This bill may be dead, but that’s not going to stop them form trying again and again and again until they set up their theocratic state within a state.

These people are dangerous, very dangerous.

12 kirkspencer  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 8:37:07am

I really expected it to be South Carolina, not North Carolina, that tried this. It didn’t work in 1834, it didn’t work in 1860. For that matter, it didn’t work when Ohio tried to tax the federal bank (1819) or when various southern states tried to void desegregation and integration of schools (1950s).

The simple fact is that the Tenth amendment applies ONLY when the federal law doesn’t exist. That’s the essence of the supremacy clause, of the document of which North Carolina was a ratifying state.

13 KiTA  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 9:11:10am

How’s that “rebranding” effort going for ya?

Heck, if I was a Democratic Strategist I’d be quote mining those nutters in NC and Texas for all they’re worth.

14 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 9:19:36am

Wait, if the 1st amendment doesn’t apply to the states, just who in the heck does it apply to?

15 EPR-radar  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 10:37:32am

re: #14 Eclectic Cyborg

Wait, if the 1st amendment doesn’t apply to the states, just who in the heck does it apply to?

As originally passed, only Congress. It took the 14th amendment (and some supreme court decisions) to make the first amendment binding on state governments.

16 Kid A  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 11:27:04am
17 Randall Gross  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 1:01:57pm

re: #8 Mattand

Hey, gang: check the byline on the original article. This is from April. IIRC, the bill died fairly quickly. I think even most hardcore conservatives knew this would never fly.

Still, it speaks volumes about today’s conservatives that this sort of thing would even see the light of day.

This is relevant again in relation to the news that the same people are now trying to limit abortion. It clearly demonstrates their prime directive at the least.

18 EiMitch  Tue, Jul 9, 2013 1:06:51pm

re: #14 Eclectic Cyborg

Wait, if the 1st amendment doesn’t apply to the states, just who in the heck does it apply to?

re: #15 EPR-radar

As originally passed, only Congress. It took the 14th amendment (and some supreme court decisions) to make the first amendment binding on state governments.

Once again, the people who claim to love the constitution prove they never read the damn thing. Teabaggers oppose raising taxes because government spending is the root of all evil. And they fight that evil by wasting tax dollars on publicity stunts that, even if it were to pass, would just get struck down by a federal judge or SCotUS anyway. After all, its not a lawmaker’s job to know the law.

/do I need to?

Once again, I advocate for mandating high-school level comprehension testing for anyone running for public office. People this f***ing ignorant shouldn’t have the power to make laws.

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